After School Resources and Reports
Posted by on November 26, 2004
New Resources from the Afterschool Investments Project
We are pleased to announce that more products have been added to the Afterschool Investments website: The Afterschool Investments project, a Child Care Bureau-supported initiative, provides technical assistance to Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) grantees and other State and local leaders to support afterschool efforts. The Finance Project and the National Governor?s Association Center for Best Practices serve as technical assistance providers and have developed the following new resources:
? CCDF and 21CCLC: State Efforts to Facilitate Coordination for Afterschool Programs
? Estimating Supply and Demand for Afterschool Programs: A Tool for State and Local Policy Makers
? State Afterschool Profiles
CCDF and 21CCLC: State Efforts to Facilitate Coordination for Afterschool Programs
To date, few afterschool programs have successfully integrated funding from the Child Care and Development Fund and 21st Century Community Learning Centers. This brief describes the rationale for increased coordination, the challenges involved, and emerging strategies for states to consider that can make it easier for programs to utilize both funding sources. The full report is now available online at:
Estimating Supply and Demand for Afterschool Programs: A Tool for State and Local Policy Makers.
This tool provides a framework for estimating supply and demand-from basic steps to an in-depth review-by summarizing and highlighting experiences in a number of states. This tool describes the ways states and communities have made estimates and included lessons learned from pioneers in the field. To learn more, go to
State Afterschool Profiles
State Afterschool Profiles provide a snapshot of the state of “afterschool” in every state as well as an opportunity to compare afterschool activities across the country. Profiles highlight key data and descriptions of the afterschool landscape, which includes a range of out-of-school time programming that can occur before and after school, on weekends, and during summer months. They are designed to serve as a resource for policymakers, administrators, and providers. Profiles for all fifty states and the District of Columbia are now available at:
For more information, contact The Afterschool Investments Project at 202-587-1000;
E-mail: [email protected]; or on the web at
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