8th Annual Legs Against Arms Walk and Run
Posted by on February 24, 2014
Legs Against Arms
The Celebration of PEACE
Physicians for Social Responsibility’s 8th Annual Legs Against Arms
Sunday, April 6, 2014 at Arcadia University
As an outgrowth of our commitment to eliminate the epidemic of youth violence in Philadelphia, Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) is hosting the 8th annual Legs Against Arms, a 5K Race/Walk/Roll (with a 1mile Walk/Roll option) and educational event, at Arcadia University on April 6, 2014. The intent is to begin to change the social norms in the Philadelphia region that celebrate violence. Legs Against Arms VIII will encourage youth and adults to come together to strengthen their legs, as they send a clear message opposing illegal handguns and other forms of violence, while honoring loved ones lost to violence. PSR is a not-for-profit 501c3 organization.
Our partners are providing interactive educational displays to provide participants with the opportunity to learn about the impact of violence in our communities as part of a Celebration of PEACE that follows the exercising. PSR will highlight Project PEACE (Peaceful Endings through Authorities, Children and Educators)—a program of the Pennsylvania Bar Association and the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office–that rests on the conflict resolution, peer mediation, anti-bullying and youth court education programs that PSR has served as “midwife” for in bringing to the Philadelphia area. We will be celebrating children with our poster contest and with school displays. We want to also celebrate veterans as our soldiers come home by inviting them to share their visions of peace with the larger community.
The program for the day is as follows (information at http://www.legsagainstarms.info/):
7:30 a.m. Registration opens on Arcadia campus
9:00 a.m. Race start
9:30 a.m. Celebration of Peace at Arcadia Commons Building Begins—Yoga, massage, exhibits and more open to the public
9:45 a.m. Race Winners Announced
10:15 am Poster contest winners recognized
11:30 a.m. Event Ends
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