New Report: Raising Graduation Rate and College Going Rates
Posted by on November 16, 2009
New Report Highlights Positive Impact of Community Schools on Graduation Rates
The Coalition for Community Schools, in partnership with the National Association for Secondary School Principals, recently published a review of eight community schools yielding evidence of rising graduation and college-going rates and a reduction in dropout rates. Raising Graduation Rate and College Going Rates: Community High School Case Studies features schools serving diverse, low-income students in the Bronx, N.Y., Chicago, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Philadelphia, Portland, Ore., and Tukwila, Wash. These schools have formed partnerships with municipal health and parks and recreation departments as well as a multitude of community agencies to provide an integrated focus on improving student outcomes.
Through collaborative leadership and the alignment of local resources for children, youth, and families, community schools bring health and social services, adult education and out-of-school time programs into school facilities, which are kept open beyond school hours. To learn more about community schools, visit the Coalition for Community Schools Web site at
Download the case study report >>
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