Tree Plantings with Philadelphia Orchard Project
Posted by on April 20, 2009
Philadelphia Orchard Project
We invite you to participate in this season’s POP events, working alongside volunteers from our community partners to plant orchards all over the city. Volunteers of all ages and skill levels are welcome. These events involve digging, planting, and spreading compost and mulch, so expect to get dirty. We can’t guarantee tools for all; if you bring your own, it is advisable to write your name on them. Snacks and beverages to share are also welcome.
Planting events can generally be expected to last between 2 and 4 hours. Please sign up for our volunteer email list for up-to-date info on events. We recommend that you check your email the morning of a planting to confirm whether if will be postponed to the raindate.
NOTE: We have added a volunteer RSVP feature to our website (, so you can see where your help is most needed and we can know how many volunteers to expect. We strongly encourage you to use this RSVP function if you intend to volunteer.
Please contact [email protected] for more information on a particular planting.
Spring 2009 Event Schedule
Woodford Orchard Planting
Wednesday, April 22 @ 2pm
Woodford Mansion, NW of 33rd & Dauphin in East Fairmount Park
Please join the youth of the East Park Revitalization Alliance in planting an ecological understory for last year’s orchard planting. Strawberries, comfrey, yarrow, chives, hyssop and many other useful plants will accompany the existing fruit trees and berry bushes!
Please RSVP if you plan to attend.
RAINDATE: Thursday, April 23 @4:30pm
Richard Allen Orchard Site Prep
Saturday, May 9 @ 10am
RAPCS, 58th & Lindbergh in West Philly
Good with a wheelbarrow, shovel, or rake? Lend a hand with students, teachers, and neighborhood families in preparing the site for our new orchard planting at the Richard Allen Preparatory Charter School. Planting made possible by the generous support of Life Unchained!
Please RSVP if you plan to attend.
RAINDATE: Sunday, May 10 @ 1pm
Richard Allen Orchard Planting
Tuesday, May 12 @ 1pm
RAPCS, 58th & Lindbergh in West Philly
Join the students of Richard Allen Preparatory Charter School in planting an orchard including pears, figs, persimmons, raspberries, currants, strawberries, and more!
Please RSVP if you plan to attend. Planting made possible by the generous support of Life Unchained!
RAINDATE: Wednesday, May 13 @ 11am
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