25th Anniversary PHENND Conference
Posted by on March 03, 2014
Registration has re-opened for the 25th Anniversary PHENND Conference! The conference has been rescheduled to April 24-25, 2014 and will take place at the University of Pennsylvania. The theme will be “Anchor Institutions: A Regional Approach” and will draw participants from around the country.
- Multi-Anchor partnerships for education
- Local Procurement
- Multi-Anchor partnerships for Community-Based Research
- Employer Assisted Housing
- Multi-Anchor partnerships for Health
- PILOTs & SILOTs – Making the Case & Documenting Engagement on a City-Wide Scale
- The Anchor Institution Dashboard
- Anchor Institutions Working Together to Promote College Access
The original agenda can be found at the link below. We are currently in the process of reconfirming speakers and based on their availability for the new date, sessions might have to shift around. Look for a revised agenda in the next week or so. Review the complete agenda and register today! Agenda: https://phennd.org/downloads/agenda2014.pdf Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/event/8895904891
More in "PHENND Events/Activities"
- FAFSA Renewal Night – Mar 26
- PHENND seeks Next Steps AmeriCorps Team Leaders – Jul 31
- 2023-2024 PHENND Annual Report
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