2026: Future Histories of Philadelphia
Posted by on May 23, 2011
Economy League draws picture(s) of region in 2026
Just 15 years from now, the eyes of the globe will be on Philadelphia for the celebration of the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. What do you think they’ll see?
Based on more than 18 months of research, interviews, and regional discussion roundtables, the Economy League of Greater Philadelphia presented four visions of life in the not too distant future in Greater Philadelphia in 2026 to an audience of regional leaders at the end of April. The event was part of the League’s World Class Greater Philadelphia project.
These futures are described in detail in a report, 2026: Future Histories of Greater Philadelphia.
The potential futures include:
— The Global Village, a world where cheap alternative energy is produced everywhere because of a breakthrough in battery technology. But, lack of investment in education prevents US workers from gaining on their global counterparts. Worldwide growth fuels expansion of American businesses.
— Tight Belts, a future where energy gets ever more expensive, and the consumer economy slows. Political and economic power concentrates in the hands of international companies. Dense urban regions have a competitive advantage. US higher education remains attractive to the global elite.
— America in the Driver’s Seat, where newly-discovered domestic oil and gas reserves create a boom. Leading technologies are developed by US scientists and researchers. New revenues fund education and health care reform. But American success breeds tensions over labor, immigration, and anti-American terrorism.
— Partners in Hard Times, a world where energy grows ever more expensive and the global economy slows. Political instability hinders emerging markets. Public/private partnerships in American support public services even as government shrinks. Investments in education and innovation help drive moderate growth.
Each scenario presents a plausible history providing much food for thought. What kind of workforce is needed? What kind of education system? Which industries and partnerships will help us move forward boldly, yet confidently? What kind of infrastructure investments will most benefit the region?
A second presentation of the results will be scheduled in June. Those who would like a presentation for their own organizations should send an email here.
Also, as part of the World Class Greater Philadelphia initiative, the Economy League is inviting filmmakers to create original short videos about life in the Philadelphia area in 2026. Entrants have the chance to win $2,026 and have their work viewed around the region, including on Philly.com.
A panel of film and creative industry judges affiliated with the Greater Philadelphia region will award up to four cash prizes, one each for artistic vision, storytelling, production value, and the video that best captures the “spirit of Greater Philadelphia.” The public can vote for People’s Choice winners online in August. Winning submissions will contribute to a region-wide discussion about the key issues to focus on to make Greater Philadelphia a world class place to live, work, and play.
The deadline is July 31st. For more information, visit here.
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