2016 PHENND Conference: Green Schools, Green Communities, Green Campuses
Posted by PHENND on January 4, 2016
Register to attend the 2016 PHENND Conference
The theme this year will be “Green Schools, Green Communities, Green Campuses,” and will take place at the Kanbar Campus Center at Philadelphia University on Friday, February 26th.
Keynote speaker
Patrick Morgan is the Philadelphia based Program Director for the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. He leads Knight’s investment strategy in Philadelphia working with local leaders and other community members to find and invest in opportunities that build on the city’s vibrancy and make it a place where talent thrives.
Prior to joining Knight, Morgan held leadership positions in Mayor Michael A. Nutter’s administration including Chief of Staff to the Deputy Mayor for Environmental & Community Resources and Assistant Managing Director. He has helped to develop innovative public initiatives to increase the urban tree canopy, promote an equitable food system, create new public parks and play spaces, as well as advance workforce development, digital literacy and community engagement.
Plenary Panel
The day will kick off with a plenary panel of regional experts providing us the “Environmental State of the Region.” Confirmed speakers include:
- Andrew Kricun, Executive Director/Chief Engineer, Camden County Municipal Utilities Authority
- Liz Robinson, Executive Director, Energy Coordinating Agency
- Julianne Schrader Ortega, Chief of Programs, Pennsylvania Horticultural Society
- Sean Greene, Manager, Air Quality Programs, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
- Moderator: Barbara Klinkhammer, Executive Dean and Professor, College of Architecture & Built Environment, Philadelphia University
Detailed Agenda
8:15 AM Registration & Continental Breakfast (Performance Space)
9:00 AM Welcome and Opening (Performance Space)
9:20 AM Opening Panel (Performance Space)
Environmental State of the Region
- Andrew Kricun, Executive Director/Chief Engineer, Camden County Municipal Utilities Authority
- Liz Robinson, Executive Director, Energy Coordinating Agency
- Julianne Schrader Ortega, Chief of Programs, Pennsylvania Horticultural Society
- Sean Greene, Manager, Air Quality Programs, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
- Moderator: Barbara Klinkhammer, Executive Dean, College of Architecture & Built Environment, Philadelphia University
10:20 AM Break
10:30 AM Workshop Series I
- Improving academic achievement and sustainability through collaborative K-16+ problem (Room 306)
- Greening Campuses through Gardens (Room 300)
- Using Sustainability as Both Pedagogy and Product in the Design of Courses, Programs, and Campus Operations to Meet Student Learning Challenges, Create Career Opportunities, and Promote Leadership & Civic Engagement (Room 302)
- Interdisciplinary Collaboration in the Design Studio (Room 106)
- Land Health Advocacy & Education: What’s Spontaneous Nature in the City Saying to Us and About Us? (Room 312)
12:00 PM Lunch (Performance Space)
Welcoming remarks from Provost Matt Dane Baker
Keynote Speaker: Patrick Morgan, James S. and John L. Knight Foundation
1:45 PM Workshop Series II
- School District of Philadelphia: Community Partnerships for a Greener Future (Room 306)
- Use of Sustainability as a Conduit for Collaboration within Philadelphia University (Room 312)
- University Tree Tenders Initiative (Room 300)
- Teaching and learning at the edge of ignorance (Room 302)
- Greening a College: Institutional Commitments and Campus Culture (Room 106)
3:00 PM Break & Lindy Award Recognition (Performance Space)
3:30 PM Workshop Series III
- 1,000 hours and $100,000: Wasted Campus-Community Resources (Room 302)
- Scaling Green Schoolyards Efforts and the Role of Higher Education (Room 106)
- PowerCorps: Impacting People, Parks, and Pollution in Philadelphia and Camden Communities (Room 312)
4:45 PM Conference Ends
Register here: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/2016-phennd-conference-tickets-20126301309
More in "PHENND Events/Activities"
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