2011 Alternative Break Citizenship Schools
Posted by on May 01, 2011
Join the Break Away staff and alternative break leaders from colleges and universities across the country for a week that is sure to enrich your alternative break program and expand your program’s leadership potential. The ABCs combine the intensity of an authentic alternative break experience with innovative and rewarding networking opportunities. Whether you are interested in starting an alternative break program on your campus or are coming from a well established program, the ABCs are the premier leadership training for alternative break leaders!
For 20 years Break Away has provided schools with quality training to further the alternative break movement. This is the only conference dedicated entirely to creating quality alternative break programs. This summer, we are particularly excited to announce three compelling locations and social issues, all with a Break Away 20th Anniversary twist – as well as our second International ABCs which features a dedicated Staff Track:
The 2011 Alternative Break Citizenship Schools
June 11 – 18 l Managua, Nicaragua l Building the Literacy Crusade
(Staff Track Available**)
In Nicaragua, inadequate budgets, small staff, fewer schools and increasing education fees have curtailed the impressive nationwide literacy gains made in the 1980’s. As the population continues to grow, the country is working to respond to a youthful citizenry’s interest in a mandatory, free, and better education by building infrastructure and creating sustainable funding. Supported by the Selva Verde Foundation and Panorama Service Expeditions, participants will work in school construction and enrollment projects, material distribution, and ESL exercises with children at Centro Escolar ELIM and Instituto Diocesano Monte-Tabor.
July 3 – 10 l Flagstaff, Arizona l Restoring Ecosystems in our National Lands
According to the National Park Service, “The spread of invasive species is recognized as one of the major factors contributing to ecosystem change and instability throughout the world.” Our work at these national landmarks will include removing invasive plants which overtake native habitat and undermine the integrity and function of ecosystems. Potential project sites include: Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument, Walnut Canyon National Monument, Wupatki National Monument and a day trip to the Grand Canyon National Park.
July 31 – August 6 l Washington, DC l Local Food in a Globalized World
As our idea of community continues to expand, grassroots organizations, non-profits and citizens in and around Washington DC are trying to make community smaller. Typically it is disenfranchised populations who are getting the worst in terms of quality when it comes to food. In DC, many are working against this by getting local, healthy foods to schools, shelters and soup kitchens. With food deserts continuing to expand in cities and systems that run counter to food sovereignty, DC is on the cutting edge of making a globalized food economy, local. Join us as we partner with Clagett Farms, Neighborhood Farm Initiative, and other food advocates in service work that illuminates the true meaning of farm to table.
** The Nicaragua ABCs will also feature a dedicated staff training track focused on forwarding responsible and sustainable international service work in higher education and through alternative breaks. In order to support this effort, our official travel partner, Panorama Travel, will book all participant flights at their reduced cost. As a special incentive to the staff track, schools who send a staff person will receive $100 off the plane tickets of all Nicaragua ABCs participants from that campus (up to a total of 3). At least 25 staff spots will be set aside – and priority registration will be given to schools who register a staff and a student. This track will be facilitated by Break Away and alternative break professional staff from award winning programs at IUPUI, American University, University of South Florida, and the College of William and Mary. Questions can be sent to [email protected].
Quotes from 2010 ABCs Participants:
“The ABCs are dynamic programs that teach members of a dedicated group of individuals about creating effective alternative break programs to produce active citizens.”
“It’s informative, life changing and an experience you cannot afford to miss.”
“Great training and networking for student leaders, and an incredibly powerful learning experience on a deep personal level.”
“The experience that I’ve had here has truly opened up my eyes to how a quality AB program should be run and I feel ready to start making some changes at my school.”
“It’s the way to be prepared to take your AB program to the next level and make it part of a movement for positive social change.”
Come to learn what these ABCs graduates are talking about! We encourage you to send representatives from your alternative break program to take advantage of this definitive leadership experience.
Site Leader and Participant applications are available on our website, along with a template schedule, at http://www.alternativebreaks.org/abcs.asp
If you’ve got any questions in the mean time, feel free to call or email us at the national office!
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