2009 Alternative Break Citizenship Schools
Posted by on April 13, 2009
BreakAway ABCs
Join the Break Away staff and alternative break leaders from colleges and universities across the country for a week that is sure to enrich your alternative break program and expand your program’s leadership potential. The ABCs combine the intensity of an authentic alternative break experience with innovative and rewarding networking opportunities. Whether you are interested in starting an alternative break program on your campus or are coming from a well established program, the ABCs are the premier leadership training for alternative break leaders!
For over 18 years Break Away has provided schools with quality training to further the alternative break movement. This is the only conference dedicated entirely to creating quality alternative break programs. This summer, we are particularly excited to announce three new locations and social issues – our first ABCs dedicated to working on these specific social issues in any of these specific areas:
The 2009 Alternative Break Citizenship Schools
June 13-19 Blacksburg, VA – Access and Isolation in Appalachia
Rural communities continue to remain marginalized when it comes to accessing crucial resources like quality education, fair-wage jobs, and tools of technology. Here, the instabilities of the economy play out on ground level – increasing burdens on organizations that deal with everything from hunger to literacy to community development. We will partner with New River Community Action (http://www.swva.net/nrca/) and Virginia Tech YMCA (http://www.vtymca.org/Home.asp) as they work to meet community needs in Blacksburg and surrounding areas.
July 18-24 Indianapolis, IN – The Invisibility of Disabilities
In a society structured in such a way where most live unaware of the challenges which people with disabilities face, we’ll work to see past the invisibility. To do so, we’ll be partnering with the alternative break programs at IUPUI and Butler University for our first ABCs ever in Indianapolis. Participants will work with Damar Services (http://www.damar.org) and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana (http://www.bbbsci.org/index.asp?p=1) to serve residents, host special events, and revitalize grounds and facilities.
Aug 8-14 Sacramento, CA – The High Price of Cheap Food
How often do we consider the labor and natural resources that it takes to bring the food we eat to our table? California employs hundreds of thousands of migrant farm workers and remains the top producer of agricultural products in the nation. Our focus is on water issues and the difficulties of the people who make up the migrant farm worker population. We will partner with AmeriCorps NCCC to bring this issue to light (http://www.americorps.gov/about/programs/nccc.asp).
Site Leader and Participant applications will be available today on our website, along with a template schedule, at http://www.alternativebreaks.org/.
Please feel free to call or e-mail with any questions!
Samantha Giacobozzi
Programs Director
Break Away: The Alternative Break Connection
404.979.2735 (direct)
800.903.0646 (toll-free general line)
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