2007 National Dropout Prevention Conference

Posted by on July 2, 2007

2007 National Dropout Prevention Conference
September 14 – 16, 2007

When it’s all said and done, the one thing we hear over and over from high school dropouts is they regret their choice to give up on school. They say, “I wish someone had pushed me harder…believed in me…” or “school was boring?” The facts Sum It Up!: students who are engaged in personalized learning environments, relevant academics, and strong leadership tend to stay in school, or they are “at-risk” for dropping out!

The 2007 National Dropout Prevention Conference is ideal for anyone with an interest in dropout prevention, at any level. That’s because it offers challenging presentations which will motivate and encourage participants to ‘bridge the gap’ for our nation’s future leaders: our children, our students. The conference will offer a diversity of topics, skill building and how-to kinds of resources. There’s something for everyone.


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