2007 Annual PHENND Conference: Power, Access, and Equity

Posted by on February 19, 2007

2007 Annual PHENND Conference:
Power, Access and Equity

Friday, February 23, 2007

Gwynedd Mercy College

Colleges and universities have a profound impact on their local communities whether its the choice to build a new building or to support a service-learning program. But what about the impact higher eds make simply by choosing which students to admit? Or by their support for K-12 college access? Or how their policies promote social equity?

For the 2007 Annual PHENND Conference, we will ask these questions and explore areas of common interest between the service-learning and college access communities. How can colleges and universities be more engaged in the struggle to democratize education? How do campus-community partnerships combat (or reinforce) unjust social structures? What are the best practices in college access today?

**Featuring Keynote Speaker U.S. Representative Chaka Fattah**

For more information including the registration form, visit:

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