2004 Community Reinvestment Conference
Posted by on February 13, 2004
[posted from Community Development Banking listserv]
The Community Affairs Unit of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco is proud to present the 2004 Community Reinvestment Conference, to be held at the Hollywood Renaissance Hotel in Los Angeles, California from March 29-31. Cosponsored with the OTS, OCC, FDIC, ABA, NAAHL and NCCA, the biennial conference is one of the premier community reinvestment conferences in the nation, covering a full range of community development issues and providing critical training and networking opportunities for practitioners of every kind and level. In addition to thought-provoking general session speakers and panels, attendees can choose from concurrent break-out sessions on CRA investment opportunities, emerging credit trends, untapped markets, CRA compliance or tour some of Los Angeles’ most successful redevelopment sites. The conference site, Hollywood, has experienced an inspiring economic revitalization in recent years that serves as a living exa mple of the power of community development . The full conference brochure and on-line registration information are available at: http://www.frbsf.org/community/forms/conf/2004/index.html. We hope to see you there. For further questions about the conference, contact Scott Turner at [email protected] or (415) 974-2722.
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