Hybrid Event: Pedagogies, Possibilities, and Justice Lecture – Apr 2

Posted by Penn State Abington on March 25, 2025

Penn State Abington’s Office of Inclusive Excellence is working in collaboration with the Education Program to host the 3rd annual Pedagogies, Possibilities, and Justice Lecture which will be held on Wednesday, April 2 from 3:30-4:45 PM in Lubert Commons or on Zoom. This year, we welcome speaker Ezekiel Dixon-Roman, faculty at Columbia University for his talk, “AI and Surrogate Pedagogy.”

AI has become almost ubiquitous in our lives, in the background and shaping many of our everyday practices and decisions. This has especially been the case for educators across the country. Yet, educators receive little to no training on how to be critical and ethical users of these technologies, how to know what are the pedagogical assumptions of the technology and how might one use the technology to be congruent with one’s own pedagogical philosophy, if possible. This talk will draw from two example technologies to critically analyze the ways in which logics of raciality are formed into each form of machine intelligence and how they become racializing forces. The talk will finally speak to what’s needed in teacher education and professional learning opportunities to cultivate educators to become critically and ethically informed actors in an educational ecology that is becoming increasingly threaded with AI.

This session is open to any community member who is interested in attending this session.

RSVP here.

For questions, feel free to contact Boni Wozolek at [email protected].

Informational Flyer.

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