JCRS 2025 Readiness, Exploration, and Application for Careers in Health (REACH) Program – Jun 27

Posted by Thomas Jefferson University on March 18, 2025

The Jefferson College of Rehabilitation Sciences at Thomas Jefferson University will be hosting its high school REACH (Readiness, Exploration, and Application for Careers in Health) Program on the East Falls campus. Designed for students interested Athletic Training, Exercise Science, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy and Speech Language Pathology.

The JCRS REACH program is open to rising high school juniors and seniors who are interested in careers in exercise science, physical therapy, occupational therapy, athletic training and speech-language pathology and who are traditionally underrepresented in these disciplines. This includes students who identify with historically marginalized communities, including:

  • Students from underrepresented racial and ethnic minorities
  • First generation college students
  • Students from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds
  • Students who identify within the LGBTQ+ communities
  • Students with disabilities

The program aims to increase students’ knowledge of the role of these disciplines on the health care team. During this program, students will also learn about academic programs and curricular experiences that will prepare students for a competitive undergraduate and graduate application. The program will include:

  • Overview of the professions
  • Overview of undergraduate degree paths to graduate school in these disciplines
  • Overview of financial aid and college application processes
  • Strategies for writing a personal statement and successful interviewing
  • Strategies for academic success during undergraduate education

The program is offered at no cost to the student and will run Monday, July 28 through Tuesday, August 5, 2025, from approximately 8:00 a.m. – 12:30p.m.

If you know of any rising juniors or seniors, who have expressed interest in careers in the rehabilitation sciences, which may be interested in this experience, please have them visit the program’s website for more information and to apply. Please feel free to contact Nia Thomas at [email protected] or 215-955-162 with any questions that you or your students may have.

Application deadline: June 27, 2025

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