ALL IN 2024 Campus Action Plan – Oct 1

Posted by ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge on August 20, 2024

One of the key components of ALL IN’s theory of change, is the nonpartisan campus democratic engagement action plan. Action plans, developed by a campus every two years, are intended to be dynamic documents developed by a campus voting coalition to document efforts to institutionalize and increase nonpartisan civic learning, political engagement, and voter participation. Living documents, action plans outline a campus’ landscape, leadership team, goals, strategies and tactics, and evaluation processes. It is recommended that campuses utilize the Strengthening American Democracy Action Planning Guide & Rubric when developing and implementing their 2024 nonpartisan campus action plans.

Research suggests that campuses that establish nonpartisan campus voting coalitions or working groups that draft and implement campus action plans are likely developing strategic capacity, or “the ability to take a challenge and build power in reckoning with it, as opposed to having a setback.”

2024 campus action plans are due by October 1, 2024.

Learn more.

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