NYLC Youth as Solutions Program – Sep 13

Posted by National Youth Leadership Council on August 20, 2024

Don’t miss your chance to bring the National Youth Leadership Council (NYLC) Youth as Solutions program to your school, classroom, or organization this year! Form a Leadership Team – consisting of at least two youth in grades 6-12 + an adult mentor – and apply to work in one of our impact areas: education equity, community health, environmental justice, or civics and democracy. Youth as Solutions empowers your young people to build their leadership skills and capacity to lead while positively impacting your schools and communities.

You’ll follow our guided service-learning process to take action and generate positive change, and you’ll have access to NYLC support, materials, professional development, and funding ($250-$1,000) to implement your project!

Learn more and apply here!

Applications are due by Friday, September 13, 2024, 11:59 PM CST.

Questions? Attend our upcoming Youth as Solutions Q&A Session (September 10, 5:306:00 PM CDT) to learn more. Register here.

Informational flyer.

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