Justice from the Inside Up, A Restorative Justice Education Facilitator’s Manual

Posted by Living Justice Press on July 9, 2024

Years in the making, this book penned by Felix Rosado, generously offers the work of Let’s Circle Up (LCU), a project co-founded and co-led by Felix and Charles Boyd, which they built into a non-profit organization powered by dozens of facilitators and organizers in and outside of Phoenix SCI. LCU 10-hour introductory, advanced and custom workshops have reached well over 1500 people.

Felix writes:
”Seventeen years ago Let’s Circle Up began as just and idea inside Graterford Prison’s 30-foot-high concrete wall by two men condemned to die there, Charles Boyd and me. We wanted to introduce as many people as possible to restorative justice. The intro to RJ workshop we initially conjured up and then refined over the years is now available in this book. Thank you Living Justice Press for believing in this project long before I narrowly escaped my death sentence almost two years ago. Until Charles does the same, a piece of him will transcend those cages via the pages within this book”.

The Center for Peace and Global Citizenship at Haverford College has partnered with Let’s Circle Up for fifteen years, supporting their mission to build relationships and community through restorative justice education and practices, in and outside of prison.

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