Iron Sharpens Iron, A Community Organizing Jawn Podcast: Mary Campbell, The Housing Oprah: Everybody Gets A House
Posted by Philadelphia Association of Community Development Corporations on July 26, 2022
We are excited to share our 13th episode of Iron Sharpens Iron, in which Mary Campbell, Director of Housing Services at New Kensington CDC, joins hosts Leon and De’Wayne Drummond to talk about the many layers of what it means to be a housing counselor, the critical role of these advocates, and the need for more supports for affordable, safe, and healthy housing for all.
Check out this episode to hear:
- What does “home” mean to Mary?
- How Mary’s team at NKCDC have been navigating the pandemic and responding to the changing needs of their neighbors.
- What does increased “market-rate” development in Philadelphia neighborhoods mean for current residents?
- What exactly IS a Housing Counselor, and what might they be able to help you with?
Mary Campbell is the Director of Housing Services at NKCDC. Mary became a Housing Counselor in 1986. She has over 30 years of experience in counseling families with real estate and housing services. Mary has been employed with New Kensington CDC since July 10, 2017. Prior to her employment at NKCDC, Mary led a team of Housing Counselors as their supervisor at lntercultural Family Services from 2008 until 2017. She earned an Associate Degree in Paralegal Studies from Kaplan University in 2011. Mary is a HUD Certified Housing Counselor, and a certified practitioner through NeighborWorks of America in the areas of: Homeownership Counseling for Program Managers and Executive Directors, Pre-Purchase Counseling, Foreclosure Intervention & Default Counseling, Post Purchase Counseling, Rental Counseling, and Financial Capabilities Counseling/ Coaching. It is Mary’s mission to ensure fair and equal housing access to all members of every community.
Iron Sharpens Iron is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Anchor, and other major podcast platforms. You can find the transcript in the episode description.
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