New Website for Carnegie Classification for Community Engagement
Posted by Carnegie Foundation on February 22, 2022
There is a new website for the Carnegie Elective Classification for Community Engagement which contains all the information that will enable you to explore the application process and resources available.
The Carnegie Foundation’s Elective Classification for Community Engagement is an elective classification, meaning that it is based on voluntary participation by institutions. The elective classification involves data collection and documentation of important aspects of institutional mission, identity, and commitments and requires substantial effort invested by participating institutions.
Newly revised application frameworks for the 2024 Carnegie Elective Classification for Community Engagement now available.
The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the American Council on Education (ACE) are pleased to announce their collaboration on the next incarnation of the Carnegie Classifications. For the first time, the Universal and Elective Classifications will be brought together in a single organizational home at ACE. The two organizations will also work together to develop new and refined versions of the Classifications to better reflect the public purpose, mission, focus, and impact of higher education.
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