A New Generation of Apprentices
Posted by on October 12, 2009
TASC September eNews: A New Generation of Apprentices
The latest e-newsletter from The After-School Corporation focuses on a new approach to after-school programming for high school students: demanding apprenticeships that go well beyond job placement to offer tangible rewards such as credits or paid work, and the chance to build real world skills.
Across the country, after-school and youth organizations are developing teen training and apprenticeship programs that engage the most vulnerable high school students in work that excites them, puts them in touch with career masters, and helps them envision that kind of mastery in their own futures. These apprentices typically undergo intensive training not only in the skills they need to do their jobs, but in general life skills: be responsible, be on time, and communicate when there’s a problem. They bond with peers from other schools, making friends with similarly committed kids. And they form strong relationships with adults, many of them youth development professionals who can help kids through challenges at school and at home.
To learn more about these programs, view the multi-media article on the The After-School Corporation’s Web site: http://www.tascorp.org/section/resources/articles/apprentices/.
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