Volunteers Needed, Breakthrough Greater Philadelphia
Posted by on August 31, 2009
School Year Program Volunteer Application
Locations: Germantown Friends School, St. Joseph’s University & Grover Washington Jr. Middle School
Welcome to the extraordinary world of Breakthrough! After reading these pages, we are confident that you will want to join the unique Breakthrough community.
The Program
Breakthrough (BT) is a tuition-free academic enrichment program for low-income, high-potential middle and high school students. Through a six-year program offering school year enrichment, year-round academic support, extra-curricular enrichment activities, and four intensive summer sessions, BT empowers students to succeed in academically rigorous high school programs. Breakthrough of Greater Philadelphia is a member of The Breakthrough Collaborative, a national non-profit organization with sites in 30 communities across the country. Since its inception in 1978 in San Francisco Breakthrough Collaborative has had an enormously successful track record: more than 90% of its graduates go on to college preparatory programs.
Breakthrough at GFS has been in operation for 14 years and is located on the campus of Germantown Friends School. The program serves 65 7th and 8th graders from the Northwest Philadelphia area, more than 90% of whom are African-American. Breakthrough at SJU, located on the campus of Saint Joseph’s University, is in its ninth year. The program serves 60 7th and 8th grade students from West Philadelphia and from Camden, NJ. The student population of this site is 75% African-American and 25% Latino/a. Breakthrough at Grover Washington is in its fourth year. The program currently serves 35 students, 61% are African-American, 17% are Asian-American, and 20% are Latino/a. The students come from the Olney and North section of Philadelphia.
Breakthrough employs the effective model of “students teaching students.” High school and college students are responsible for teaching, implementing curricula, advising, and mentoring middle school students. As role models, they show that educational success is both possible and exciting. In turn, our young faculty discovers the many rewards and challenges of teaching and mentoring an exceptionally talented and lively group of young people.
During the School Year Program, the middle school students continue their commitment to the program by participating in classes and mentoring sessions during school year. Each student is expected to attend the after school program two-three times per week.
To Apply:
Complete and submit program application and resume to Site Director via email or regular mail. For volunteers interested in working at the Grover Washington site, applications are due September 5th. All other applications are due September 21st. Site Directors will review applications and schedule interviews with selected candidates.
To obtain an application and/or for more information, contact:
Farish Sawyer
Senior Program Director
[email protected]
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