Resources from LaSalle’s Nonprofit Center
Posted by LaSalle Nonprofit Center on March 31, 2020
No one could have envisioned that we would be working like this – distanced from our coworkers and our clients. But since this is going to be our reality for a while, The Nonprofit Center staff is making available a range of resources designed to support you under these difficult conditions.
Tips for Working Remotely – This list of ideas from HR expert Roslyn Schaffer, includes ways that you can practice self-care as you adapt to working remotely.
Webinars – Access our Webinar Library covering boards, fundraising, communications and more. Look for upcoming new webinars with more ideas about working remotely, including productive online meetings.
Virtual Consulting Options – We are all concerned with ensuring that our organizations come out strong on the other side of this. You can use this time to work remotely with our expert consultants to build your capacity. From organizational assessments to creating a fundraising plan to address losses you’re now incurring, you can be moving forward. Consulting Director Lori Moffa ([email protected]) can explain the possibilities.
Virtual On-Site Education – Nonprofits throughout the country have been connecting with The Nonprofit Center for online on-site education for their groups. Ask Client Services Manager Terri Clark ([email protected]) about programs that can be offered remotely so that professional development can continue even when people are separated. Break the isolation while continuing to build skills so people will come back even stronger.
Answers in Real Time
- How do I keep morale up among remaining staff when we have had to furlough others?
- What is a good approach for reaching out to key donors to keep in touch at a time when we aren’t seeing clients or performing our usual services?
- How can I finally convince my board that we need to start a reserve fund?
- We were doing strategic planning before the coronavirus hit, so what can I do to keep everyone thinking strategically during this unplanned hiatus?
These might be among the questions you’re now being forced to wrestle with. Expert Connections can be the lifeline you need right now, to get answers that you really need. Expert Connections is a service from The Nonprofit Center that enables you to ask pressing questions that do not require lengthy, detailed responses.
Tell Us What You Need and We’ll Try to Deliver – Email: [email protected]
Would you participate in a daily 1 hour nonprofit e-discussion with other nonprofits to share your experiences and ideas? Let us know : [email protected]
More in "New Resources"
- New Book: STEM Smart Parenting
- Federal Work-Study Partnership Toolkit for Districts and Nonprofits
- Want to stay healthier and fulfilled later in life? Try volunteering
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