Request for Proposals: AAPI Civic Engagement Projects in Pennsylvania
Posted by SEAMAAC on January 7, 2020
SEAMAAC (Southeast Asian Mutual Assistance Associations Coalition, Inc.) is pleased to announce a Request For Proposals (RFP) for 2020 Non-Partisan Civic Engagement Projects to Support Pennsylvania’s AAPI (Asian American & Pacific Islander) Communities. We will also consider strong applications from organizations conducting civic engagement activities in communities with low voter propensity scores.
Goals: All subgrantee activities will support the overall goals of reducing the Pennsylvania’s Asian and Pacific Islander (AAPI) voter registration gap, and increasing API voter turnout gap in Pennsylvania.
Eligibility: This RFP is open to all nonprofit organizations with 501(c)(3) status; and community-based organizations under a fiscal sponsorship from a 501(c)(3) organization that have the capacity to increase civic and electoral participation within Pennsylvania’s API communities in the Spring and Fall 2020 election cycles.
Sub-grant Amounts: Sub-grant sizes will range $7,000-$50,000. Please see the attached RFP for detailed expectations for the various sub-grant sizes.
Project Period: February-December 2020, depending on the individual sub-grantee’s work plan.
• Applicants that are requesting funding for both the 2020 Primary Election and the 2020 General Election or the 2020 Primary Elections only must submit their proposal by Tuesday January 21, 2020 by 5 pm.
• Applicants that are requesting funding for 2020 General Elections only may submit their proposal by Thursday May 28, 2020 by 5 pm. Sub-grantees are encouraged to apply by the January 21, 2020 deadline. Applications received in May will be awarded based upon the availability of remaining funds after the first round of sub-grantees.
How to Apply: Please see RFP for full proposal guidelines and instructions –
RFP Budget and Budget Narrative:
Submit the entire proposal package via email to Iris Bercovitz at [email protected] . The subject line of the email should read: Civic Engagement Proposal 2020 [Organization Name].
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