Projects Benefiting Children

Posted by Detwiler Family Foundation on March 13, 2017

Detwiler Family Foundation Invites Applications for Projects Benefiting Children

The Detwiler Family Foundation invites applications from organizations based in the greater Philadelphia area or Portland, Oregon, that are dedicated to enriching and improving the lives of children in that community. Specifically, the foundation aims to serve children dealing with significant life challenges by providing them with greater access to education and the arts.

Funds will only be awarded to organizations that can demonstrate an impact on children dealing with challenges in the areas of health, welfare, security, and financial hardship. Organizations may apply for grants for specific projects, or for funds to match a current or ongoing fundraising campaign. All projects must be implemented by December 31, 2018.

Grant amounts will be based on the scope and budget of the project, with awards ranging between $5,000 and $50,000.

To be eligible, organizations must be located in either the greater Philadelphia region, including southeastern Pennsylvania and northern Delaware, or in Portland, Oregon. Grants will only be awarded to nonprofit organizations certified as tax exempt under Sections 501(c)(3) or 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code and classified as “not a private foundation” under Section 509(a). Hospitals, educational institutions, and governmental institutions meeting these requirements are eligible to apply.

For complete program guidelines and application instructions, see the Detwiler Foundation website.


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