Skills for Success: Supporting and Assessing Key Habits, Mindsets, and Skills in PreK-12

Posted by New America Foundation on December 08, 2014

Academic tenacity. Perseverance toward long-term goals. Emotional intelligence. These kinds of habits, mindsets, and non-technical skills are integral to academic, professional, and personal success. Recently, they have begun to enter public discourse as research demonstrating their importance has been made more accessible through the use of terms such as “growth mindsets,” “grit,” and “character.” The various terms used to describe such skills, habits, and mindsets are so numerous that, for this paper, we use a simple phrase that describes the outcomes associated with them: “skills for success.”

Based on a review of the research and strategies discussed within this paper, New America makes several recommendations for how various entities—federal and state governments, LEAs and schools, and research institutions—can encourage progress on developing certain skills for success in schools, PreK–12

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