What must Philly do to become America’s Next Great City?
Posted by on March 19, 2007
What must Philly do to become America’s “Next Great City?”
Tuesday, March 27, 2007, 6:45 p.m.
Fishtown Recreation Center,
E. Montgomery and E. Girard (across from the Fishtown Library)
A 2006 National Geographic article claimed that Philadelphia could be the country’s “next great city,” the new great place to live, work, and visit. But what must we do to make this a reality?
A coalition of over 60 organizations, led by Citizens for Pennsylvania’s Future, is recommending to the Mayor and City Council 10 actions to “make every neighbor- hood better, maintain and improve the city’s infrastructure and assets, and attract new investment, jobs, and people.”
These 10 actions have been thoroughly researched and screened for popular support and range from adopting modern zoning to stopping sewer backups and flooding.
At this meeting a spokesperson for the coalition will give a PowerPoint presentation on the 10 actions and explore with attendees their relevance in this area.
Sponsored by the NAC of NKCDC, 2515 Frankford Avenue (215-427-0350 X 119), in cooperation with the Fishtown Neighbors Association. Funding provided by the Philadelphia Office of Housing and Community Development.
For more information please visit http://www.nextgreatcity.com/
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