Call for Papers: Globalization, Shared Governance and Academic Freedom

Posted by on September 22, 2008

Call for Papers: American Association of University Professors (AAUP) International Conference on Globalization, Shared Governance and Academic Freedom

Deadline: October 31, 2008

The AAUP invites individuals and teams to submit proposals for its conference. Among the questions the conference intends to explore are: What is the state of academic freedom around the world and what challenges does it currently face in the United States?  Can scholarship survive in an era of secrecy and censorship?  Who is making decisions in the corporate university? What ever happened to shared governance?  What are the implications of the excessive use of contingent faculty and how do we address the issue?  How are public policy decisions at the national and state levels affecting higher education?  What are the personal, professional and institutional responsibilities of faculty and how can conflicting responsibilities be resolved?  How can faculty communicate the intricacies and subtleties of their disciplines to a broad, non-specialist audience?  Conference strands are not limited to the above topics. Presenters are invited to propose a wide range of issues related to academic freedom, governance, faculty work life, rights and responsibilities. The goal of the conference is to provide a faculty perspective on critical issues in higher education presented in a format accessible to the general public.  Learn more about the conference and see guidelines for proposals at:

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