What the Every Student Succeeds Act Means for Philadelphia

Posted by Philadelphia Education Fund on January 23, 2017

You Are Invited!

Please join us at February’s Education First Compact

Thursday, February 2, 2017
7:45 – 10:00 am

Pipeline Philly, 30 South 15th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102

FREE Breakfast and Registration

What the Every Student Succeeds Act Means for Philadelphia

with presenters

Matthew Stem
Deputy Secretary of Education
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Pennsylvania Department of Education

Beth Olanoff
Special Assistant to the Secretary and ESSA Lead, Pennsylvania Department of Education

Federal education policy can seem far removed from day-to-day schooling, but the possibilities and implications of the new Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) are significant. ESSA, which takes full effect in the 2017-18 school year, is the first re-authorization of the country’s primary K-12 education policy since the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.

While the details are still being worked out, some major trends are clear. ESSA shifts more control back to states and districts from the federal government, with implications for accountability, teacher evaluation, school choice, the Common Core standards, school improvement, funding, testing, transparency, and more. The Pennsylvania Department of Education is tasked with applying the flexibility in these new regulations to the state’s comprehensive plan. Meanwhile, the incoming federal administration has not yet formalized its education philosophy, funding, and regulatory approach towards the states.

Given these conditions, what can Pennsylvania do to innovate and take advantage of flexibility to support Philadelphians and all Pennsylvanians? Does the new federal administration signal major changes to ESSA implementation, or will increased local control insulate states from federal influence? How can we move forward our priorities under this new and uncertain policy while anticipating unintended consequences?

Pennsylvania’s Department of Education wants to hear from you. Come to learn and share your thoughts and questions.

Program Schedule:
* 7:45-8:00am Networking and Breakfast Reception
* 8:00-9:30am Program
* 9:30-10:00am Q&A
RSVP is required.


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