Voices Around the Table: Faith, Food and U.S. Farm Policy

Posted by on February 17, 2006

Voices Around the Table: Faith, Food and U.S. Farm Policy

Join the Mennonite Central Committee Washington Office in DC, March 5-7, 2006, to explore farm policy’s impact on rural, urban and international communities, and to envision the church’s role in a food system that is just and sustainable for all.

The seminar includes biblical reflection, advocacy training, a panel on farm subsidies from across the political spectrum and workshops on everything from free trade agreements to genetically modified crops to hunger in the United States.

Early registration of $65 is due by February 6, 2005. Visit http://www.mcc.org/us/washington/brochure.pdf for a brochure and registration. And please pass this information on to a friend!

MCC U.S. Washington Office
110 Maryland Ave. NE #502
Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202) 544-6564
Fax: (202) 544-2820
Web: http://www.mcc.org/us/washington

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