Using Technology in Your Programs: A Resource and Share Fair

Posted by Philadelphia Youth Network on November 3, 2014

Using Technology in Your Programs: A Resource and Share Fair

November 25, 2014 1:00pm to 2:30pm

Register here

We all know that the ability to use technology is a 21st century skill that young people need to master. But how can you “go digital” in your programs in a way that will engage and educate the youth at your sites? How can you handle challenges like a shortage of working computers? In this facilitated, peer learning session, youth service practitioners will share resources that work in their programs and learn about what else is out there. Do you live and breathe technology? Come share your expertise with other programs. Don’t know the difference between Twitter and Twizzlers? This session is for you, too! Bring your favorite online learning tools (a website, a course, a technical tool) and come to this meeting. We want to know how you are transforming learning with the digital resources at hand.

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