The Nurturing Parenting Program

Posted by on April 26, 2002

The Nurturing Parenting Program
Parkside Recovery – 5000 Parkside Avenue, 19131
For registration call: Dr. Nancy Lydick, 215-879-6116, ext. 227

Two Groups. Free,
a) Parents and their Adolescent Children (ages 12-19) Will Meet for 10 Saturdays, starting Sat. July 13 from 11:30am-2pm. Lunch Included.

b) Parents and their School-Aged Children (ages 4-11) Will Meet for 10 Sundays, starting Sunday, July 14 from 2:30pm – 5:00pm. Dinner Included

VAN transportation Provided to families who live in West Phila and around Center City. Otherwise tokens will be distributed to those who live elsewhere. Open to all families who are willing to attend. Call for more information.

The Nurturing Program is a free program (10 weeks) for families to take together. Parents meet separately from children with two trained facilitators while youth participate in self-esteem building activities with their own facilitator. The program is for any family that wants to get along better, communicate more and feel closer to each other. The program works for all kinds of families: two-parent, single-parent, foster, adoptive and blended families.

This program is designed to help adults and children learn how to handle their feelings, communicate their needs and feelings of others, and take charge of their own behavior; replace hitting and yelling as disciplinary techniques with other, more effective techniques such as redirection, time-out, choices and consequences, praise, family rule, problem solving, etc. Help to handle stress & anger. Feel good about themselves.

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