Policy Brief: School Garden Programs

Posted by on April 28, 2014

School Garden Programs are on the Rise in US Public Elementary Schools, but are Less Common in Schools with Economically Disadvantaged Student Populations

School garden programs can increase students’ nutrition knowledge, as well as preference for and consumption of fruits and vegetables. Many organizations have developed resource guides to advise schools in the implementation of school garden programs, and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides online links to these resources as well as other technical assistance opportunities, such as the USDA Team Nutrition program. With increasing attention to the importance of providing healthful food options in schools, school garden programs appear to be a promising strategy to improve student access to healthful foods, and to provide students with the knowledge and skills to help them make healthier choices elsewhere. Tracking the prevalence of school garden programs—and examining which types of schools are more likely to provide such programs—can identify where additional efforts are needed to increase the creation and maintenance of school garden programs.


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