Logic Model for Districtwide Family Engagement Strategies

Posted by on December 14, 2009

New Harvard Family Research Project Tool for those working in the afterschool-school reform-parent/family engagement space:

“How to Develop a Logic Model for Districtwide Family Engagement Strategies”


How to Develop a Logic Model for Districtwide Family Engagement Strategies is a step-by-step guide to help you understand and develop a logic model for districtwide family engagement efforts. It is designed to accompany Seeing is Believing: Promising Practices for How School Districts Promote Family Engagement, a policy brief created by Harvard Family Research Project and the National PTA.

Use this tool to learn how to:

~Understand what a logic model is and how it can help your strategic planning efforts
~Define the goals that will shape your family engagement strategy
~Identify the resources your district can access to implement your strategy
~Specify which activities your district will implement
~Define the desired outcomes of your district’s family engagement activities
~Select performance measures to track your district’s progress

About Harvard Family Research Project
Located at Harvard Graduate School of Education, we have helped stakeholders develop and evaluate strategies to promote the well-being of children, youth, families, and their communities since 1983.  Visit our website to learn more:


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