Infant Mental Health Resource Fair

Posted by on August 31, 2009

Infant health resource fair set for University City

The Delaware Valley Group of The World Association of Infant Mental Health is sponsoring a resource fair on Friday, September 18th from 8:30-10:30am at 3535 Market St. on the 16th floor.

Providers of services are invited to come and share information about their agencies or specialized services with others in the city that are devoted to supporting young children, from birth to five, and their families.

This event will mark the start of DVG/WAIMH’s 2009-2010 networking breakfasts that are generally held on the first Friday of every month, from September to June. Participants will have an opportunity to meet and greet, share information and materials, and generally get a better understanding of the range of services Philadelphia has to offer the youngest members of our community and their families.

To RSVP, email with your name, job title, organization name, address, email and phone, and a brief description of services, including neighborhoods served, type of population served, expertise, etc.  Participants are also invited to bring poster boards, brochures, photos, and business cards.

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