Gulf-South Summit on Service-Learning and Civic Engagement through Higher Education

Posted by University of Arkansas at Little Rock on February 2, 2015

Registration is now open for the Gulf-South Summit on Service-Learning and Civic Engagement through Higher Education (March 11-13, in Little Rock, Arkansas).

Events include:

·Pre-conference workshops on “Service-Learning Administration 101”; “Exploring Engaged Scholarship”; “Aligning Undergraduate Research and Service”; and a tour of Little Rock community sites;

·Keynote presentations from Minnijean Brown-Trickey (one of the Little Rock Nine); Tania Mitchell, Mary Alice Morgan and Hannah Vann;

·Awards recognizing outstanding faculty, student, and community partners for service-learning;

·A full complement of great sessions ranging from research on service-learning, to program descriptions of innovative work, domestic to international

The Gulf-South Summit is a great conference both for those who are relatively new to service-learning, as well as experienced practitioners and researchers. We hope you will be able to join us in Little Rock next month!

Details about the conference can be found at:  Registration fees are found at

Details about discounted room reservation rate can be found here:

The room reservation deadline at a discounted rate is only through Sunday, Feb. 8. and registration fees will increase after the regular registration deadline of Feb. 20, so make your plans now!

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