Effective Grant Writing Using Microsoft Office Tools

Posted by on January 30, 2004

Effective Grant Writing Using Microsoft Office Tools

Writing an effective grant proposal requires more that just good prose: you will learn to integrate Excel & Word to turn your proposals into eye-catching (and $ attracting) masterpieces!

Been using Word for a long time but haven?t figured out that trickier stuff like inserting text boxes, tables that link to Excel spreadsheets, and cool graphs and pie charts?

?A picture is worth a thousand words? may be just the answer to convey the information funders are looking for, without going over your page limit.

NPower PA is offering a four-part class every Tuesday morning in February that will turn your ho-hum documents into attention-grabbing proposals.

Who should take this class? Executive Directors, Development Officers, Program Managers ? any nonprofit staff member who writes proposals or reports and wants to impress their readers.

And just to make sure you have the software you need to go back and write those masterpieces, everyone completing the course will receive a free copy of Microsoft Office XP!

The total cost of the class is $120 for NPower PA members and $240 for non-members. It?s a steal!

Sign up now by calling (215) 557- 1559 or email us at Training@NPowerPA.org.

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