2009 Community Food Projects

Posted by on April 13, 2009

The 2009 Community Food Projects Request for Applications (RFA) is finally out!

The deadline is May 13, so it’s important to start working on your proposal very soon, if you haven’t already done so.

The Request for Applications is available at http://www.grants.gov.  Click on “find grant opportunities” on the left, click on “basic search,” then go to  “search by CFDA number,” and enter 10.225.  (We’ll post a more direct link on the CFSC website later if one becomes available.)

If your organization is planning to apply and is not already registered with grants.gov, it is extremely important to start that process soon, since it can take up to two months to complete it.

The Community Food Security Coalition will continue to provide free written guidance and one-on-one technical assistance to Community Food Projects (CFP) applicants this year.  More information about CFP grants and assistance available can be found at http://www.foodsecurity.org/funding.html

More in "Grant Opportunities"

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